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Code of Conduct

Welcome to OnlineClassesDone.com, where academic excellence and integrity are our guiding principles. We expect all users of our platform to adhere to the following code of behavior to maintain a supportive and ethical learning environment.

Responsible Use

We trust that our users will engage with our website and its resources responsibly. We kindly request that you familiarize yourself with the following guidelines and uphold our code of conduct. It is strictly prohibited to exploit any of the tools, information, or solutions provided on our website for the purpose of academic fraud.

Integrity and Academic Dishonesty

While our aim is to support your academic journey, this is contingent upon your commitment to academic integrity and honesty. Any breach of this code of conduct will be met with appropriate action. We retain the right to suspend the account of any user found to have violated these conduct guidelines.

Violation of Guidelines

Our platform operates as a free exchange of information within specific parameters. Breach of these parameters can lead to prompt termination of your account and removal of your content.

Your Privacy is not For Sale

Under no circumstances do we ever sell, rent, or give away your personal information. Online Classes Done uses and discloses your personal information only for the following purposes:


We reserve the right to modify our terms and conditions and privacy policy without prior notice. We may also alter or discontinue the site, in part or entirely, with or without prior notification. In such instances, we hold no liability for changes, suspensions, or terminations..

Account Commitments

During registration, you are required to provide accurate personal information, including your full name, date of birth, and registered email address. To protect your privacy, an alias email address is created for your account's communication needs.

Ownership and rights

We retain all rights not expressly granted in the Policy section. All copyrighted materials on this website are our exclusive property. While private printing is permitted, the content cannot be altered or used for commercial gain without permission. Your commitment to responsible use preserves the sanctity of the academic experience for all users.